Martin Geeson
160 books
Humorous Fiction
George William Foote - Satires and Profanities
«Believing as I do that James Thomson is, since Shelley, the most brilliant genius who has wielded a pen in the service of Freethought, I take a natural pride and pleasure in rescuing the following articles from...
7 hours 22 minutes
Humorous Fiction
G. K. Chesterton - Wit and Wisdom of Chesterton
This little volume, issued as a gift book for lovers of Mr. Chesterton's writings in 1911, is made up from essays to be found in «The Defandant», «Varied Types» and «Tremendous Trifles». These 12 pieces were chosen to...
2 hours 10 minutes
Charles Dickens - Charles Dickens 200th Anniversary Collection Vol. 4
2012 was the 200th anniversary of Dickens' birth. This is the fourth volume; the first volume of short works — fiction, essays, poetry and speeches, previously unrecorded for LibriVox, was catalogued by Dickens'...
7 hours 25 minutes